Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mula Tatih, Tapak Kecil ~ Pelan-Pelan Cuba Jalan...

Gentarasa 2011 .... The sweat, The laughter, The frustration, The mane-mane-bau-kaki-campur-kentots, even The lutut-macam-nak-koyaks, sumenye WORTH IT beb!

Sebelum aku get to the dikir barat experience @ Gentarasa 2011, aku nak declare that this year's Gentarasa showcase artsy-fartsy gile and grand to the max. The show's concept, arrangements, and die peh feel sumenye macam secocok. Also, the performances put up by the other performing arts groups(ie. Tarian, Percussions, Silat, Actors, Orchestra,etc) sumenye rase mcm "WOW!". Especially percussion yang part Gendang Sunda beb. Gua kat backstage macam nak kat masuk kuda kepang remix reggaeton kan. Gua tak bohong, lima minit tengok ni show confirm-confirm korang bole rase die nye grand.......

Ok kasi aku comment sikit tentang experience Gentarasa 2011. Memang ni show nye experience one in a million ah kirekan. Tak semua big shows yang involve-kan Durbar Dua macam gini. Its not about the concept of the show. Senang cakap, D2 dah quite familiar with shows yang require budak-budak kite menari atau berpantun atau berlakon, selain daripada berdikir-barat. Pade aku lah eh, yang buat one-in-a-million is the fact that: berape banyak kumpulan Dikir yang main ni show seh!!!. Yes guys, persembahan seni dikir barat bagi Gentarasa tahun ni dijayakan bersama oleh - Makyong Kedek, Durbar Dua, Wahana Deksu dan Srikandi Tiara Widjaya. Bukan satu atau due, tapi EMPAT! Of course tengkiuk jugak kepade individuals daripada Keris (yang bikinkan lagu kite) and Andika (yang tuliskan lirik). Fuh...Nampak! 6 team dikir barat combine jadi satu tau beb! Captain Planet nye Earth, Wind, Fire, Water pun kalah. Korang bole imagine betapa susahnya nak kluarkan satu cara persembahan dikir barat yang melambangkan keunikan setiap kumpulan tapi juga considered as a united display(persembahan yang satu). But we pulled through. Aku rase we did even more than just pull through. Macam ade satu abang ni cakap, "Persahabatan antara satu sama lain dapat dirasa selepas persembahan... TERCAPAI!".

Anyways, aku rase bebudak Gentarasa pun dah banyak luahkan isi hati diorang kat each other on FB. Jadi macam dah boring pulak kalau aku repeat kat sini betul? Love and let love. =)

Oh! One more thing. Kite nye In-House Director/Producer - Dr. Bobby - ade buatkan episodes bersiri tentang time kite kat Gentarasa 2011. So kasi senang sikit, video Part 1 aku letak kat your ke-kanan-pusing. Make sure korang nantikan part-part yang seterusnya ok!

Peace out.

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